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We are committed to helping ensure that all communities and particularly minority communities get tested for the coronavirus.  COVID-19 KILLS!!


The coronavirus has hit minority communities at an alarming rate.  JFI Medical has committed to ensuring that all communities regardless of color or financial status gain access to coronavirus testing. 


If your organization would like to assist in making testing available for disadvantaged individuals, please become a partner with the Our Health Matters (OHM) Foundation.  Visit their website for details on becoming a valued partner.



Large gatherings contribute to the number of cases that present themselves in communities of color around America.


Underserved communities around America are being left out due to their financial condition and lack of access to health facilities.

The APM Research Lab estimates that the overall death rate from COVID-19 is 2.4 times greater for African-Americans than it is for white people.  


Black Americans continue to experience the highest overall mortality rates and the most widespread occurrence of disproportionate deaths.  Since APM began reporting Covid-19 data, the Black mortality rate across the U.S. has never fallen below twice that of all other groups, revealing a durable pattern of disproportionality.


The latest overall COVID-19 mortality rate for Black Americans is 2.3 times as high as the rate for Whites and Asians, and 2.2 times as high as the Latino rate.


As of June 10, 2020, aggregated death rates from COVID-19 across all states and the District of Columbia have reached new highs for all groups and most particularly, African-Americans:


  • 1 in 1,625 Black Americans has died (or 61.6 deaths per 100,000)

  • 1 in 3,550 Latino Americans has died (or 28.2 deaths per 100,000)

  • 1 in 3,800 Asian Americans has died (or 26.3 deaths per 100,000)

  • 1 in 3,800 White Americans has died (or 26.2 deaths per 100,000)

Coronavirus death levels from APM Resear

Source: The APM Research Lab, a team of researchers who inform the public with both original and curated research, facts and analysis.

* Includes all available data from Washington, D.C., and the 50 states. Users are cautioned that the Indigenous rate is calculated from just 21 reporting states. States employ varying collection methods regarding ethnicity data. Denominator is built from data aggregated from each state, aligned with their method.

Race doesn’t put you at higher risk. 


Racism puts you at higher risk. 

People of color are more infected because they are more exposed and less protected. Then, once infected, they are more likely to die because they carry a greater burden of chronic diseases from living in disinvested communities with poor food options [and] poisoned air and because we have less access to health care.

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